
Tim McConville

Tim McConville är ansvarig lärare av Healing Touch i Sverige och certifierad Healing Touch Practitioner och instruktör. Han har genomgått sex nivåer av Healing Touch utbildning och arbetat med hundratals klienter under åren. Hans intuitiva helande arbete har hjälpt  många klienter med olika bakgrund. Tim har en privatpraktik och arbetar som volontär på sjukhus och långtidsvård inställningar. Han har varit inblandad i forskning om integrativ medicin på ett lokalt sjukhus. Nationellt tjänstgör han i USA som HTP styrelsemedlem för certifiering. Han erbjuder även föreläsningar för affärs- eller privata grupper om Healing Touch. Tim har sin bakgrund som miljöingenjör men valde att dra sig tillbaka för att kunna ägna mer tid till healing och andliga metoder. 

“En del av mitt arbete som Healing Touch-instruktör handlar om att hjälpa folk att minnas vilka de verkligen är. Jag möter fantastiska healers som kommer från alla möjliga sorters bakgrund som bara har vaknat upp till sin fulla potential. “
– Tim McConville

Förutom kurser erbjuder Tim även föreläsningar inom ämnet. Tim har en bakgrund som miljöingenjör men valde att dra sig tillbaka för att kunna ägna mer tid till healing. Ni kan läsa mer på hans hemsida

Månadens instruktör 

Av 200 instruktörer av Healing Touch har Tim blivit utnämnd till månadens (september 2019) instruktör. Vi på Healing Touch Sverige förstår varför. Vi har haft nöjet att få ha Tim som vår lärare sedan 2014.

Läs brevet nedan som finns publicerat i Healing Touch Community News. Med tillstånd från Tim McConville.

Healing Touch Program continues to grow and flourish due to the dedication and wisdom of almost 200 instructors around the world. This monthly feature is designed to honour those who teach Janet’s work and bring Healing Touch Program to humanity around the world.

Instructor of the Month!

Tim McConville


Tim och Pam McConville

I wandered into Healing Touch 16 yeas ago and immediately knew I was “home” with my tribe. I had spent much of my life as a seeker, reading voraciously about all things metaphysical, participating in meditation groups and some healing work. I had a few spiritual trips to India spending times in ashrams and studying Vedic spirituality. I had also taken a couple levels of Reiki. I considered myself a closet mystic. As a VP in a consulting engineering firm, I was not very open about my deeper interests.  

My work world was full of scientists skeptical about things that could not be measured. Finally, one of the nearby hospitals was starting an Integrative Medicine Department. For some reason that piqued my interest and I wanted to volunteer. I called them about volunteering and was told that Healing Touch training would allow me to volunteer so, I signed up for the next level 1 class. I was smitten, but I had to wait until level 4 before I could volunteer. I volunteered there about 4 years until I began teaching the HT classes there and then moved into a part time job doing research for the Integrative Medicine department. Once I took the first HT class I was working with family and friends, and everybody that would say yes.

I began teaching in 2007. Shortly after that I dropped out of the corporate world and started my “early retirement”. As the only local instructor that choose HTP after the split, I had to work to build the HTP community in the Minneapolis – St. Paul area. With help and support from lots of people we were able to continually build community. After I had been teaching for a while, my wife Pam decided to take a class to see what it like. At first she said, I will only take level 1, then it was I will take 2, but not 3. Pam is now turning in her certification renewal documents. Her interest allowed us to work together much more effectively as a team. She coordinated my HT classes, allowing me to focus on teaching and mentoring. She is every bit as important in building our community here. I currently teach levels 1-4 as well as the Mentor Training class. That keeps me well amused. At the peak I think I taught 18 Healing Touch classes in one year a few years back. I would never be able to do that without Pam’s efforts. I’m cutting back a little bit as we have another instructor teaching level 1 and 2 and I have other teaching work competing for my time.

We began our International efforts back in 2013. An instructor was needed in Nepal to help train Aparna in level 2. I agreed to go in the spring that year and taught 3 classes in level 2 and 3. We thank the HTWF for their support. We returned in 2015 to hold a level 4 class and multiple introduction classes, just prior to the big earthquake. We found those trips to be quite rewarding. Healing Touch transcends the language and cultural differences and the people were quite open to receiving.

Our daughter lives in Sweden so we spend a lot of time there doting after our grandchildren and family. After our Nepal trip in 2013 we decided to try teaching in Sweden. In the fall we started out with a two-hour introduction class. Somehow during class words came out of my mouth offering a session to everyone that wished to try. One of the local psychologists offered her office for the experiences. Of the 13 or 14 people in attendance, all but one wanted a session. I gave full hour sessions to everyone. I was somewhat surprised because every single session was profound and amazing. I thought something is happening here and time must be perfect. Then again, all but one showed up in the next level 1 classes. I have never had such a high rate of interest, nor have I ever offered those hour sessions to everybody again. Those people from the first introduction course are now the foundation of the Stockholm Healing Touch community. One of them is our local coordinator and maintains a Swedish web site and Facebook page. We are in the 3rd round of teaching levels 1-3 in Sweden and hope to teach level 4 soon.

This journey of teaching and practicing Healing Touch has been amazing. It is so rich in rewarding moments of deeply touching and helping thousands of people. I have long lost track of the number of people profoundly helped. I count myself among them as HT has greatly deepened my spiritual journey, opened unseen doors and given me joys I would not have imagined before.

Embodying Higher Frequencies: A Guidebook to Accelerating Personal and Planetary Consciousness

I Embodying Higher Frequencies, den andra i en serie av böcker inom healing, fördjupar Franny Harcey och Tim McConville från Awakening Healing Axis (AHA)  materialet som presenteras i deras första bok, Awakening to Higher Frequencies: A Guidebook.

Boken går att beställa på den svenska Amazon: 


  • Utgivare ‏ : ‎ Inspirebytes Omni Media (29 Oktober 2022)
  • Språk ‏ : ‎ Engelska
  • Pocketbok ‏ : ‎ 244 sidor
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1953445330
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1953445339

Awakening to Higher Frequencies tar dig med på en spännande inre resa – en resa där du kommer att lära dig att höja din och den kollektiva frekvensen, ta bort blockeringar och öka dina förmågor som healer, samt mycket mer…


Barnboken om healing du inte vill missa! 

Boken är fylld med roliga lekfulla bilder som inbjuder barn att utforska vår naturliga värld, samtidigt som de lär dem enkla begrepp om energi, hur man experimenterar med denna livskraft som är inneboende i allt – inklusive dem själva!